16 August 2006

Finding Strength

If you are not willing to kill those who want to destroy you because you are afraid of committing genocide against them are you not a bit suicidal? Does this not seem to be Israel current position now? Is this current situation just a strategic pause or is it indicative of a more pathological problem with the West?

Here is a kind of echo of Wretchard's idea that if you do not have the will to defend your self your weapons are useless. I found this blog entry by Patrick McGreevy in City Belt.

As the vastly more powerful force, the IDF could have crushed Hezbollah, but only by conducting a genocide on the Shiite people of southern Lebanon who support its resistance. And genocide, on global TV, is the one sin Israel cannot survive.

Hezbollah is a designer resistance force, shaped by repeated Israeli blows against Arabs -- designed not simply to counter its powerful adversaryÂ’s field techniques, but to infiltrate its soul and seek its deepest pain. It finds this pain like a heat-seeking missile finds its warm target because Hezbollah‚Â’s resistance, too, is born of pain. This is the madness we confront.

Do people want to minimize 9-11?

Do some groups want to minimize 9-11 and pretend it did not happen?

Here is a group in Jersey City that seems to be opposed to what I think is a good memorial.

The winning Liberty State Park memorial design.

15 May 2006

"Free Hollanders in exile"

Hopefully it's the last time I will see this phrase.

27 April 2006

15 April 2006

Some Churchill Quotes for Today

Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill K.G.

How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities — but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilisation of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilisation of ancient Rome.
The River War, p. 248-50, (1899)

"Still, if you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves."
Quote Link

12 April 2006

Islamists Post Hit List of 'Apostates'

Islamists Post Hit List of 'Apostates'

If this is true and people are killed:

The Grave of the Hundered Head

Rudyard Kipling

THERE’S a widow in sleepy Chester
Who weeps for her only son;
There’s a grave on the Pabeng River,
A grave that the Burmans shun,
And there’s Subadar Prag Tewarri
Who tells how the work was done.

A Snider squibbed in the jungle,
Somebody laughed and fled,
And the men of the First Shikaris
Picked up their Subaltern dead,
With a big blue mark in his forehead
And the back blown out of his head.

Subadar Prag Tewarri,
Jemadar Hira Lal,
Took command of the party,
Twenty rifles in all,
Marched them down to the river
As the day was beginning to fall.

They buried the boy by the river,
A blanket over his face—
They wept for their dead Lieutenant,
The men of an alien race—
They made a samadh in his honor,
A mark for his resting-place.

For they swore by the Holy Water,
They swore by the salt they ate,
That the soul of Lieutenant Eshmitt Sahib
Should go to his God in state;
With fifty file of Burman
To open him Heaven’s gate.

The men of the First Shikaris
Marched till the break of day,
Till they came to the rebel village,
The village of Pabengmay—
A jingal covered the clearing,
Calthrops hampered the way.

Subadar Prag Tewarri,
Bidding them load with ball,
Halted a dozen rifles
Under the village wall;
Sent out a flanking-party
With Jemadar Hira Lal.

The men of the First Shikaris
Shouted and smote and slew,
Turning the grinning jingal
On to the howling crew.
The Jemadar’s flanking-party
Butchered the folk who flew.

Long was the morn of slaughter,
Long was the list of slain,
Five score heads were taken,
Five score heads and twain;
And the men of the First Shickaris
Went back to their grave again,

Each man bearing a basket
Red as his palms that day,
Red as the blazing village—
The village of Pabengmay,
And the “drip-drip-drip” from the baskets
Reddened the grass by the way.

They made a pile of their trophies
High as a tall man’s chin,
Head upon head distorted,
Set in a sightless grin,
Anger and pain and terror
Stamped on the smoke-scorched skin.

Subadar Prag Tewarri
Put the head of the Boh
On the top of the mound of triumph,
The head of his son below,
With the sword and the peacock-banner
That the world might behold and know.

Thus the samadh was perfect,
Thus was the lesson plain
Of the wrath of the First Shikaris—
The price of a white man slain;
And the men of the First Shikaris
Went back into camp again.

Then a silence came to the river,
A hush fell over the shore,
And Bohs that were brave departed,
And Sniders squibbed no more;
For he Burmans said
That a kullah’s head
Must be paid for with heads five score.

There’s a widow in sleepy Chester
Who weeps for her only son;
There’s a grave on the Pabeng River,
A grave that the Burmans shun,
And there’s Subadar Prag Tewarri
Who tells how the work was done.

02 April 2006

An Army of Davids Marches on the boarder

Would the Minutemen be possible without the Internet?

Minutemen Gather to Press Border Control
Apr 01 8:27 PM US/Eastern


Minuteman volunteers concerned about the continued flow of illegal immigrants across the border from Mexico gathered Saturday with lawn chairs, binoculars and cell phones for a new monthlong campaign aimed at raising public awareness of the issue.

A year after their first watch-and-report operation along the border in southeastern Arizona, members of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps embarked on a much larger effort in the busy migrant-smuggling corridor.

"I'm concerned about what's not being done by the government _ hasn't been done for ages, apparently," said J. Glenn Sorensen, a retired school administrator now living in Flagstaff.

Sorensen, who was not involved with the Minutemen last year, said he thinks the organization has accomplished part of its intended purpose already, "to draw national attention to an insecure border. I don't think anybody wants to close the border _ I certainly don't. Basically, I think they need to be secure."

No one in the group had any illusions about their campaign's effectiveness, since it targets a relatively short section of the border for just a month. However, it comes at a time when Congress is debating proposals seeking to reform immigration laws, which have drawn supporters of legitimizing illegal immigrants to demonstrations in cities across the country.

"This is like sticking a finger in the dike," said Ken Raymond, a retired electrical engineer and airplane mechanic from Tucson.

At a rally kicking off the effort at a remote southern Arizona ranch Saturday afternoon, politicians and activists opposing illegal immigration gave fiery speeches calling for more border control.

At least 200 mostly older men and women heard more than a half-dozen speakers praise their efforts and call the Minutemen heroes.

Don Goldwater, a Republican candidate for Arizona governor, said he had a message for President Bush.

"Build us that wall _ now!" Goldwater said, referring to a measure that would add 700 miles fences along the border. He promised that if elected, he would put illegal immigrants in a tent city on the border and use their labor to build the wall. Goldwater is a nephew of the late Sen. Barry Goldwater.

Each month, thousands of illegal immigrants cross into Arizona. So far this fiscal year, which began Oct. 1, agents have caught more than 48,000 in the area staked out this weekend, up 53 percent from the same period a year earlier.

Chris Simcox, the Minuteman group's national leader, said four watering stations placed by the group Humane Borders to keep migrants from dying in the desert will be among the sites under surveillance. Last year, more than 400 people died trying to cross the desert, many from dehydration or heat exposure, according to the U.S. Border Patrol.

"We watch them all the time," Simcox said of the water stations. "It's a great place to report illegal activities."

President Bush and Mexican President Vicente Fox support a so-called guest worker program that would allow illegal immigrants already holding jobs in the U.S. to stay.

The Minutemen Saturday arriving south of Tucson plan to patrol private ranch property about 30 miles north of the border.

The group says it plans similar exercises along the border in California, New Mexico and Texas, and along the Canadian border in Washington, New Hampshire, Vermont and New York state.

Along with their binoculars, cell phones and radios, a number wore sidearms, including state Rep. Russell Pearce, a Republican and a leading voice in the Arizona Legislature calling for a crackdown on illegal immigrants.

Those planning to patrol were under strict orders to call the Border Patrol and to avoid confronting intruders or drawing their weapons, said Simcox and Stacey O'Connell, in charge of the Arizona chapter.

Although last year's patrols were nonviolent and disciplined, there are still concerns about having armed groups in a busy trafficking area, Gus Soto, a Border Patrol spokesman, said last week.

Minuteman leaders have said that all the group's members have been screened to weed out members of racist organizations.

Still, groups such as the American Civil Liberties Union-Arizona say they're concerned over "the potential for taking actions and ... attempting to enforce immigration laws," executive director Alessandra Soler Meetze said.

28 March 2006

Churchill Quote

Difficulties mastered are opportunities won.
Winston Churchill

I should remember this.

16 March 2006

I lived on Governors Island once

Makes me think of more peaceful days.

Pics from Library of Congress. Search for Governors Island

15 March 2006

13 March 2006

Left and Radical Islam

Good book on Euro Islamism

09 February 2006

A bit of hypocrisy in Germany

In Germany if appears you get 2 weeks without trial for goose stepping.

As one of the commentators below quoted below said, it seems some satire is punished in Europe more than others.

I think this should make someone in Germany a bit uncomfortable, WWII has been over for 60 years, I think it's time we all got past this.

Comments below from the Sun Online article linked above.

The first jailed England fan will have a VERY good case in the European Courts.
A goose-step, though perhaps offensive to some people, is not in itself an incitement to violence or hatred.
I think the Germans are on very thin ice with this one.
Rece PorterFlorida, USA

It is interesting that this story appears now in light of the raging controversy over the cartoons of Prophet Muhammad vs the rights of free speech.
Why is satire at the expense of one community acceptable, but not against another?
ShouldnÂ’t all societies accept that free speech is not an inalienable right to humiliate or degrade each other?
Hedieh Mirahmadi

03 February 2006

The tree of liberty, from time to time, must be replenished with the blood of patriots

Saw this via LGF :

Said by Ahmed Akkari, a Muslim theologian from Copenhagen:

.......the level of anger was “very high” in the Muslim community across
Europe and the wider world.
“It is more likely [than not] that any minute we
will hear of violence unless the police can control the situation.”

Reminds me of a couple of quotes:

"Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"- Patrick Henry
(March 23, 1775)

"The tree of liberty, from time to time, must be replenished with the blood of patriots."- President Thomas Jefferson

24 January 2006

Mexican Army in the USA ?

OK, this seems to be down played, were they really Mexican army?

If so I'm getting very tired of this sort of thing. Another thing to add to this line of reasoning.

Texas Officers Involved in Standoff at Border
Tuesday, January 24, 2006

SIERRA BLANCA, Texas — Men dressed as
Mexican Army soldiers, apparent drug suspects and Texas law enforcement officers faced off near the U.S.-Mexican border after three suspicious SUVs attempted to flee state authorities, officials said Tuesday.
Andrea Simmons, an agency spokeswoman in
El Paso, told The Associated Press that Texas Department of Public Safety troopers chased three SUVs, believing they were carrying drugs, to the banks of the Rio Grande during Monday's incident.
Men dressed in Mexican military uniforms or camouflage were on the U.S. side of the border in
Texas, she said.
Simmons said the FBI was not involved and referred requests for further details to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
The Inland Valley Daily Bulletin of Ontario, Calif., reported Tuesday that the incident included an armed standoff involving the Mexican military and suspected drug smugglers. The incident follows a story in the Bulletin on Jan. 15 that said the Mexican military had crossed into the United States more than 200 times since 1996.
In a news conference, Rick Glancey of the Texas Border Sheriff's Coalition, said three Hudspeth County deputies and at least two Texas Department of Public Safety troopers squared off against at least 10 heavily armed men from the Mexican side of the Rio Grande.
U.S. officials who pursued three fleeing SUVs to the Mexican border saw what appeared to be a Mexican military Humvee help one of the SUVs when it got stuck in the river, he said.
When that didn't work, a group of men dressed in civilian clothes started unloading what appeared to be bundles of marijuana from the SUV, and the stuck vehicle was then torched, he said. A second SUV had a flat tire and was left behind in the United States and its occupant ran across the border, he said.
Glancey said he could not confirm whether the armed men seen at the site were Mexican Army, police officers, or drug dealers, and would not detail what markings deputies may have seen on the men's uniforms or the Humvee.
Chief Deputy Mike Doyal of the Hudspeth County Sheriff's Department said that Mexican army personnel had several mounted machine guns on the ground more than 200 yards inside the U.S. border, the Daily Bulletin newspaper reported earlier.
"It's been so bred into everyone not to start an international incident with Mexico that it's been going on for years," Doyal said. "When you're up against mounted machine guns, what can you do? Who wants to pull the trigger first? Certainly not us."
Hudspeth County Sheriff Arvin West, whose officers were involved in a similar incident last year, said he is certain that Mexican authorities know who was involved.
After the newspaper reported on Mexican military crossings earlier this month, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said the report was overblown and most of the incursions were just mistakes.
In eastern California, Arizona and New Mexico, the U.S.-Mexico border is largely unmarked. But in Texas, the Rio Grande separates the two countries and even when dry, is a riverbed about 200 feet wide.
In November, Doyal said Border Patrol agents in the border town of Fort Hancock called for help after confronting more than six men dressed in Mexican military uniforms. The men allegedly were trying to bring more than three tons of marijuana across the Rio Grande, Doyal told the newspaper.

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18 January 2006

A great Ben Franklin quote

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!"